Poll ended, thanks everyone!

May I ask, how do you fill the color in. I use Canva too but there’s no “fill” option which really annoys me.

I’m just assuming, but I’m pretty sure most of theirs use shapes, so you can automatically have color filled in. Another way would be to use a bigger brush size. Hope this helped! :slight_smile:

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Bro, everybody’s so great, how am I going to win…

I still gotta finish it…

MONKEE dang that’s good!!!

I thought blackjack got suspended…

@here Everybody look at what I want the couch to be:
A vortex/echo agent.

Oof, if you were really far in making that one, just make it a fair play gim then.

I’m also in school lol

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I colored it in CAREFULLY and went to position and put it below the drawing

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hmmm. I should try that

welp monkee it’s official, you beat my terrible canva one

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but I will say I do need help with a thumbnail tho

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Don’t say that! I’m doing a poll and yours is already amazing!

yeah but mines not finished, plus the hat looks goofy every time I make one for stache

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the doors game me and crazy.com are making


yes but… its extremely off-topic…
Its not a thumbnail at all.

I cant flag cuz I’m not member :frowning:

Here ya go :grin:

it’s my fault cuz there’s a topic bout this and I forgot to answer it

Everyone, just get on topic again.