Pokemon ideas question

A possibility would be rarity. Evolve or stages can be defined rank. Like lets say you get a starter Mewtwo That PKM could be a QP Gray/common rarity. Evolve could bump it to a QP Green/Uncommon rarity

Barriers are more unique and appeasing than just a weapon, you could make an imitation smokescreen and hide the former barriers/props and have new ones appear. Animation would be awesome but really advanced.

So Weapons have a clear power and color change, and barriers have a clear design change.

Yeah, that’s the problem with barriers, AND the problem with weapons.

Yeah, weapons are SUPER boring and easier, and barriers are WAY better but WAY more advanced

I’m planning on making a full pokemon game, and then making some guides.
We’ll see how hard it gets.

Duplicate post?

Anywho how does your current pokemon system work? Is there a way to level up the xp of your pokemon?

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Sorry, I had forgotten I’d posted that. I just marked a solution there.
Here is the XP/Level Up system:

If the barriers are hard but effective, but the weapons are easy but boring, I would suggest picking the one that matches your skill set.

I’m more of a semi-professional (refer to Blizzy’s GKC creator types on her bio), so the weapons are below my level, but barriers are above my level.

It’s all good. We forget from time to time.

Anywho, I say you should attempt to recreate a battle system just like pokemon with blocks and barriers. I’d just use only the gen 1 cast for memory limitations. You just need to have properties for the amount of pokemon you want your player to carry. Once a certain value of the property has been reached, just simply “overwrite” the evolving pokemon with the current amount of xp the previous one if this makes sense at all.

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Try doing a combination… or a whole new system. The new system might be hard, but it could help you lower the barriers down to your level.

Explain a little more?
I’m not exactly following the last bit.

So, each pokemon slot holds properties to determine the level of the pokemon and the pokemon itself. Let’s say Pikachu and the level for it to evolve is level 10. Once Pikachu reaches level 10, overwrite the property containing the pokemon name with Raichu and keep the level property untouched.

didn’t you already post a topic on this?

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Yeah but I marked a solution there

oh ok…why tho?

I made a mistake and reposted
:sweat_smile: we all forget sometimes

wdym by using blocks n’ barriers?
As in animation?

the problem is not skill, if you have so many barriers and other algorithms the problem is memory.

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