Pls vote a thumbnail for my game :)


0 voters

Screenshot 2024-04-02 120332

Screenshot 2024-04-02 120001

well Ig I’m winning…

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Thank you for voting :slight_smile: :heart: :black_cat:
This will be closed in 1 hour and that will determine who’s thumbnail i will use.

Ur thumbnail is AWESOME :star_struck:

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awww thank you @th3_ca1tsune’s looks good to but just needs a better bg

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ig I’m winning so far yey

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when are u gonna close the votes?

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look at the solution

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so in 17 minuets :heart: :cat:

why u put a cat and a heart on every reply kinda bothers me…

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Have you seen my bio? :heart: :black_cat:

when u use my thumbnail pls credit me in the description!

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Ok I’ll do that now :slight_smile: :heart: :cat:

well its been a hour I guess I won!!

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Congrats :slight_smile: :heart: :cat2:

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when will u pub the game>

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Once i get to level 50 :slight_smile: :heart: :cat:

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@M13TheCreator do you want to be fiends? :heart: :black_cat:

ummm this is getting off topic

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I just thought like 2 off topic things are fine and then we get ack on topic :heart: :black_cat: