Pls help me understand this guide

Could someone explain to me how the ai is done I don’t get it. Some pictures showing them being made would be AWESOME. Thx to whoever wants to help.
Here is the link.

um its not AI.
well it is haiasi, so close to it…

a human made that

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ya ok same thing… but how do i make it? it’s so confuzing and I don’t know what to link what with. I only the the “ai” for freddy, chica, and foxy.

Pretty Please With Some Ice Cream, Frosting, and Sugar on top?

Patience user, it is like 11:20 in the morning at my place, and other users are busy, wait a bit, it won’t be the end of the world if you want a couple more minutes. Also pinging other users can sometimes be annoying, at least what I think other people have said.
I live below Missouri. I’ll leave the state up to you.

please don’t ping for help
Also sure, what do you need help on

sorry if it’s annoying i won’t do again.
I need help of understanding how to create the animatronic ai described in the guide. It is very confusing and I don’t know how to make it. pics would be nice

Did you watch this video?
Also the animatronics aren’t ai here

I can’t what the vid. im on school device
also I know it’s not ai I just don’t know what to call it

ill be back tomorrow for replys. gtg

That’s not a nice thing to say Gamingwolf, time and time again, you keep on proving that you are not mature enough o be on the forums, for the thousandth time, come back in three years! Your immaturity is already hurting this falling apart forums.

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can someone pls help?

pls help :frowning: :cry: anyone pls

Be patient, sometimes people are sleeping on different hours, it’s timezones. And some other people are probably still studying about it

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ok. its been a few days tho

It just been 2 days ;-;

:nerd_face::point_up: Well actually, its been 3 days


But my post was posted 2 days ago, not yours :nerd_face:

ok fine you win :anger:


So umm… the animatronics will get a randomized movement oppurtunity every few seconds. For each animatronic, a random number is generated from 1 to 20 and compared to the animatronic’s level. If it is greater than the level, the animatronic will move to its next phase.
I think the guide simplifies it by having the ai not move randomly, so there will just be stages of movement. Get a trigger. Trigger on “repeat” and when triggered, send on channel “repeat”. The delay should be a few seconds (depending on how hard it should be). The block code would be:

if (generate random number from 1 to 20) is greater than (get property: (insertnamehere) AI level)
do broadcast on channel (make text with) (insertnamehere)MovementStage + (get property: (insertnamehere)movementstage)

Set property (insertnamehere)movementstage
value ((get property (insertnamehere)movementstage) + 1)

Replace (insertnamehere) with the animatronic name. Have props that activate on (insertnamehere)movementstage(insert number here, from 1-5)

(sorry if this is confusing, I can do a better explanation later). This will be part 1 of the ai.

@dannystarf just need to say this: don’t respond to gamingwolf, just flag. Don’t give them attention.

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