Please vote for a thumbnail!

Please vote for a thumbnail!

@Blizzy’s Thumbnail:

@THEHACKER120 Thumbnail:

@Random_dude123 Thumbnail:

Vote Please!


oh this is hard @Random_dude123 or @Blizzy so hard

Mine’s not detailed enough; I didn’t have time to make it :sob:


I really like @Random_dude123 thumbnail!

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still hard to choess simple or over dramatic

Thank you for commenting!

:skull: oof zero votes for me

I voted! I think it’s cool.

Ty : D
Well 1 vote for me :smiley:

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@Random_dude123 thumbnail is actually too cool! @Random_dude123 thumbnail has GOT to be winning!


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@GIMKIT.CREATIVE can I change mine to this:

oh okay ill pt it in

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hey everone i changed @THEHACKER120 with a different one bc he said this one is better so vote again if you like the one that @THEHACKER120 made (the new one)

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i voted yours!!! :slight_smile:

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i see that it was updated and i think the third one is best because they look excited and all the other ones theres just something off

hey guys new update I’m not going to be here today at 6:00pm because I have to go somewhere but I’m ending the voting on the 24th of march 2024! (Sunday)
Thanks for understanding!