Player Leaves Zone Error

When leaving a zone, it doesn’t broadcast on the channel it’s supposed to. I tried using wires, and that doesn’t work either.

How about a wire repeater?
I said it in the among us guide.

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Are you sure its set on player leaving zone?

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Yes, I tried that.

Yes, I’m sure. I spent 30 minutes debugging lol

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Okay, you should probably restart your device or email
Keep this post up and wait for the devs to fix it and mark a solution when they do.

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I used both devices. I’ll email them.

This happened before. This is a bug in tag domination as well

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Oh, so that’s why I keep base teleporting out even I’m not in it.


Well, hopefully they fix this soon!

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Is this still occurring in your game?


Yes, it’s still occurring.

I would suggest using a trigger that triggers when the channel is broadcasted. Basically this is a debug. If the zone does not broadcast on channel then you won’t get a message in the item feed. However if it does then congrats! Will add blockcode when I’m not lazy.

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It doesn’t, I’ve already tried it.

I have found that when I leave the zone with a teleporter, it doesn’t count it as leaving the zone.


Neither does just walking out.

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This bug should be fixed asap. I had the same problem

Are you sure that the channel you used was the right one to trigger hour thing? Maybe just use a wire for this.

Yes, wires don’t work either.

Maybe just exit out of your world and restart your device. That might work.