Player counter and end game help

this is what i have

this is the blockcode for the trigger

even though there is one player the game still ends

Isn’t that what you want @beluga_whale

don’t you want to end at one player?

no i want it to end at 0

@Beluga_Whale anyways your block code is wrong

so you want it to end when the last player dies?

i only want to end at 0 tho
so i changed the blockcode to =0
not less than or equal to 1

i’m confused.

Put instead,
Get Property “Players”, <1
Broadcast Message On Channel end.
Not less than or equal to just less than (<)

yes i do @CoolGimkitPlayer

are there like senterys that will kill you?

is your relay set to team 2?

Also change the “end game” to “players”

i want the game to end when all players have switched to team2

may I see your relay settings?

knocked out manager, switch to team 2?
player get knocked out they swich to team 2

i just named the property that

yea athats what i want

relay settings please