Long story short. @Ben_to_the_10th just got the season pass, so now we’re trying to come up with some ideas that we can do for maps. (we’re trying ideas as we speak)
Floor is lava? And maybe make it so you have to avoid traps by a trapper.
How about shadows of doubt recreation?
Idk if its best in platformer or top-down though
What’s shadows of doubt?
Yaaaay, first forum post in forever!
Yeah that seems good for top-down. I’ll consider it for the future! (Or something like it cause I’ve never played it)
Lol I forgot about this. We just decided to make a floor is lava but we haven’t worked on it for a bit
ran out of likes…
Wow, the barrier art looks insane, good luck on it wywy and ben^10 :D
I wish I can help too lol
I hate Autocorrect
Gah! I need to finish Gim Party first!
Or homework…
Or drivers ED…
Someone read my bio I see…
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