Pixelated for some reason


I need help! I noticed that my screen is pixelated, and others is not??? I don’t understand why, but it’s showing up like this. Does anyone know how to fix this??

Screenshot 2023-06-05 3.31.36 PM

That’s pretty cool :o
But as for fixing it, reloading the page might help - it could be a problem with your computer screen, of course, but I’m assuming that the problem only applies to one specific page.

Yes this is only happening with gimkit, and I’ve restarted my computer and updated it.

Do you have too many tabs open? My friend who plays gimkit used gimkit creative and experienced it. He closed his tabs and it fixed it.

I usually only have around 3-4 open :frowning: I’ll try restarting my computer again and maybe clearing my browser history, but if that doesn’t work, I’ll email support

Many Thanks,

this should be in bugs

I put it in bugs, but no one has seen the post yet, so I put it in help ( as it is frequently viewed). AND I do need help, so I say it counts as both.

Many Thanks,

Smart Move

@Jeffo I don’t know why this is happening to me, is there a way I can fix this without losing my gimkit account?

Please help!!!

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I don’t think there is any need to worry about losing your Gimkit account. As far as I can tell, it seems to be a technical issue with your computer (I don’t know of anyone else who has this problem, at least) - perhaps try it on a different device if you have one, and/or see if there’s anything you can fix in terms of display settings (are any other websites/applications having this issue? can you open the tab in a different browser? is it possible that your device could simply have problems relating to running Gimkit Creative - like a screen resolution issue or other display setting problem). I don’t know what could be specifically causing the issue, so emailing support with details should be a good start, but again: no need to worry about losing your account in the meantime… I’m sure there will be some way to solve it.

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Hi there!

This Forum isn’t typically for support. In this case, let’s see if I can help you get this figured out quickly.

I’m not sure what I’m looking at with the screenshot you shared.

If you’re still having an issue with Gimkit Creative loading, can you please share a screenshot showing your full browser window (like the below), so I can get a better understanding of what I’m looking at?


Sorry if the posts above were confusing! I’m just really curious about why this might be happening to me.

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Me too! Do you mind publishing your map and sharing it with me? You’ll need to do it by sending a message to moderation, since we block sharing map links on the forum. Once I have your publish link, I can check out your map and see how it shows up for me. Let me know if you have issues sending the link!


Good news!!!

I restarted my computer today, and found that gimkit was fixed this morning! I think something was just wrong with my computer.

:smile: So glad this is fixed now!