Part 1 of my insanity with the generator repair system

so i was using my system aka this guide

it was working fine until last game where i tested it with akat on the wix and one popup wouldnt set the darn text so to try and fix it i tried a repeater and modifying the blocks
but i made it worse and it spread to the rest of the popups and it seemed to skip numbers and reset itself as if it were randomized which it shouldnt have been
and the repeater seemed to be fine
along with the block code
and debugging it with the annoying lag that wont go away is getting annoying and driving me insane ;~;


the gen task is player scoped and the repeater starts when any of the popups call to action is pressed

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Well have you checked if there was just like a single mistake in there? Especially with blocks that could could mess it all up.

ive tested it 8 times
modified it 8 times
closed and reopened the tab 12 times (lag)
and those screenshots are the only devices that affect the gen task property and the popup text

Oh wow.

Does the property value start at the number you need?

Try putting down a few texts linked to the properties you need and see if those change

had to revert the system back to its og design with some slight changes
sorry for marking my own post as a solution even tho idrc

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It’s all good. That’s what the forums are for :slight_smile:

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