PandaPants2000's Wiki on Everything Pokemon terrain!

thank you
and I have more
on the map I mean


This is pretty cool!

(Tip, not telling you to do this, you could try putting them in hide details!)


I fixed it, I can add more now

1 Like

Dang, that was quick! Plus it looks really organized!

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noice :smiley:

this is the original guide How to make different Pokemon Pixel art in GKC

I think I got it
the hide details

Like you did it?

Or like, oh, I got it. I can do that.

More like, “I think I understand what you mean”
and “I did what u suggested”

Pls don’t make this a chat

We weren’t really chatting, I was just tryna clarify but alright.

oh, ok, that’s fine @Txme_Lxss

Hey, guys! Do you think it would be fine if I made an :scroll: The Ultimate Guide To Pokemon?
I mean, it’s a very good game, and it should have a wiki. For anyone who wants to edit it…

WAHOOOO yeah here’s another for you

'nother pic

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This snorlax is amazing, pls put the steps you took to make it like the outline, then the color

Let’s do a poll. I want everyone to vote on this.

Make :scroll: The Ultimate Guide to Pokemon?
  • Yes!
  • No
  • :bear:
0 voters

its closed

why make an ultimate guide when there is barely anything to work with? like 7 out of 9 pokemon tagged guides are actually good and plus there’s already a resources guide for that idk if its been updated tho
(the ones I’m not counting is the turn based combat cuz that can be used for a variety of things and the resources guide)

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Why pokemon
OIP (8)