Order of Sentries

I have 9 sentries that I want to spawn when the one before it is knocked out. But I want the doors to open when all the sentries are knocked out, I can’t seem to do that. Does anyone know how?

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Add a counter. For every sentry wire it to the counter. When it is knocked out —> Increment the counter. Target value for the counter: 9 for the 9 sentries. Wire the counter to the barrier —> deactivate it when target value reached. And done! Don’t forget to mark a solution!

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But only 6 wires can go into a counter. How would I use two counters?

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you can make a wire repeater go into the counter and some of the sentries to the wire repeater

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Use triggers instead. If you use triggers, you will have to add a property tho.

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also for the sentries make it so there is 1 sentry active on game start and wire it to the others deactivate on game start, and wire them like this:
sentry knocked out - activate sentry for each


Wire repeater. Don’t use a second counter.


You can also use channels instead.


Ok thank you it works. But now my friendly sentries attack me, is there anyway for me to take their weapons again?

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Sadly, you cannot take gadgets from sentries anymore, it was patched.

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Oh, can you at least block it?

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If you use a barrier, maybe, but I am not sure.

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you could make them on your team

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You can’t attack sentries on your team.

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Yeah, I want it so the sentry is friendly but you can attack them, and if you do you get ambushed by other sentries.

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I’m not sure if this method has been patched but you can try it.


This helps, thank you.

Or use channels.

Channels how?

To increment the counter.