Open-world RPG Game mode: co-op signups

Ignore this post now everyone. I’m shutting down this co-op. I will make another topic about still helping though, so check that out.


I want to help! :smiley:

On this subject you can use Name-Linked systems that give you certain abilities (maybe easter eggs as a way to credit the helpers in your game)
or maybe props that represent them? (maybe statues?)

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Nice! I was thinking that if someone gave a small landscape or art, at that location in the game, you could find their name or something!


Wait, if you have a school email, I don’t think that people outside of your school district can email you.

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You can’t, we will have to figure out how to message each other

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i want to help i might not be too good at making games but i think i can still work on a games(and i love rpgs)

works for my school and i can’t get any emails if im using my school email

we can prob use discord or something

I would be good for this because I am designing a high tech futuristic open world

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ohhhhhhh thats cool!

I know, I’m on a school account, I was just saying maybe theirs are different.

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we can use our main emails if you have one

i just realized the game has roboton what is similar to robert lol

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I unfortunately don’t have a main one, so that might be an issue. Why don’t we just make a group on the wix with only us in it?

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We can delete the group when we are done.

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okay that seems like a good idea! I don’t know how to make one and they didn’t block it for me so i think we can do that!

Who wants to make it?
I already have one but I can make another.

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idk how to make a group lol

i can figure it out tho

can’t figure out how to make it