This guide will explain how to make a (as the lifeboat community from Minecraft calls it) One In The Chamber map.
Things you will need:
3 esc hatches (optional)
3 teleports (optional)
4 snowball launcher spawns
1 slingshot launcher spawn
8+ player spawns (more are optional)
plenty of props (optional)
5 vending machines (2 optional)
1 health granter
1 speed granter
1 damage boost
I like to start with the settings so we will do that first.
Step 1: Go to map options and set the game clock to count down for 20 minutes
Step 2: Turn off solo play (it may be hard to test the map)
Next, we will be working on teams
Step 1: Set teams for free-for-all
Step 2: Have late players play as spectators
Step 3: Turn on enemy and ally indicators
Next, go to health
Step 1: Turn on health and shield and set it to 50 for health and shield
Step 2: Set health and shield to 1%
Step 3: Set spawn immunity for 1 minute (60 seconds)
Step 4: Turn on pvp
Then, go to score
Step 1: Turn on the leaderboard
Step 2: Set the score type for knockouts
Step 3: Set the score group for the team
Step 4: Set the sort mode to high to low
Step 5: Set the leaderboard to show
Step 6: Show placement
Items next
Step 1: 1 item slot
Step 2: Infinite refills
Step 3: Instant refills
Step 4: Yes to all drops
Step 5: Keep gadget, item, and respawn behavior
Step 6: Yes to infinite durability
Step 7: Dropped item visibility to global
Step 1: Set prevent knockouts from activity feed to no
Done with the options! Now for the hard part: the map.
This is where the most optional things come into play.
Start by making a set of spawn points around 4 snowball item spawns, which are around a slingshot item spawn. Now set all the spawn points to as many teams as you want. (no repeating teams!) Now make a box around the spawn points (as big as you want) this will be the map’s border. Then use three vending machines and set them to 0 money needed, then attach each one to a granter, which is set to anything you want. Now if you want, you can add hidden gadget upgrades outside the border, just make sure you can access them and that you can use them. Now for the props. You do not need these, but if you do use them, set them to no collision. You can also use teleports. Do the same thing with the escape hatches that you did with the props. Then put all the props (except the escape hatches) on the top layer so you can hide. Next, connect all the teleports with wires.
And you have made your first one in the chamber map!