Woah, nice guide, but what exactly is nature-of?
nature-of is basically just a very big guide for 1 device, but it was meant for the devices you may not use as much
this is such a w guide for people who need to learn the notification.
it has toc, pictures and in-depth explanation
this and the one clicclac made are awesome.
then other ones came out and they were half baked
Never seen this before nice guide!
Ouch, I bumped into this guide - this acctualy hurt tho
A notification bumped into me and ran away
Notification BUMP for everyone!
Birthday BUMP
Love the pictures!
Your birthday is on new years day?
On the Nature of Bumps: A Comprehensive Study on the Bump’s Biology and Its Place In The Community.
The uh… Yeah it’s “its” not “it’s” as in “it is”. So I’m just going to edit that for you real quick.
bro what how does that matter
thx anyway