Old post- DNR! DNR!

Welcome to my silly circus :dancer::man_dancing::circus_tent::clown_face::cow2:

Totally not stolen from @mysz (zie).

hey guys to lighten the mood im just gonna insert a really long and stupid joke essay i wrote on the gimkit discord:

The ultimate test of letting your ego down is to merely contribute a simple word like “and” to the “one-word-story” channel. Most would want to be big and bold, creating funny and interesting statements. However, the big things must be supported by the little things, such as smaller positions in the sentence. I am not purposely avoiding real terms because I don’t want to look stupid. Those little things contribute the most to the sentence - sentences like “Welp, the hippos raided squidward’s gazebo and ate his clownfishes” would not be possible without the small words like “and” and “his”. But people nowadays only want to contribute funny words like “hippos”, “raided”, and “squidward’s”, to inflate their own small and fragile ego. Blackhole927 has taken down his ego for a greater purpose, for one that allows the big and important things to thrive, and it is important for us to continue being like him. He is a role model - a leader, and one who should be trusted as he is smart and cool and good at coding and made GKC easier. He has perfected the art of understanding what the contribution really is - the little things. We shall strive to be like Blackhole927 as he has shown the world what can be done after you set your ego aside and strive to help build the framework for the biggest building, and not just what’s inside. Sure, some people want to decorate the cake with cool things - awesome things, but that can never happen if they don’t buy eggs. Blackhole927 is an egg-buyer, and I bet he even puts the shopping cart back after stuff, like a normal and rational person should. Seriously, if you don’t put the shopping cart back when you’re not a hurry then you are a horrible person who does not feel the need to do litle things to the world. Speaking of shopping carts, I heard that they’re releasing a new design for them soon. I wonder what that means. Anyways, back to eggs, Blackhole is an egg-buyer, and we are the soy sauce dippers. The dippers are cool, sure, but the egg-buyers are the best. Another egg-buyer here is wingwave, who plays fortnite and is funny. He also probably puts the shopping cart back after buying things, because he is a rational person. He and Blackhole have set their ego aside, and launched their egos into the incinerator. To be honest, is that even good? I mean, you need to have a bit of self-worth. Maybe what I meant is that they launched it into an incinerator temporarily. But just because you launch something into an incinerator temporarily doesn’t mean that the effects won’t be permanent. But being an egg-buyer is permanent. That is, until someone eats the eggs, most likely a member of Team Gimkit deleting the Gimkit Awards channel. But those are just my two eggs. Blackhole, you are our lord and savior! And you wingwave - I have my eye on you. I know what you did in the year of 1994.

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But what about the frying pan to fry the eggs that egg-buyerd buy? That pan is the real w


well your eye on me wont be necessary soon enough here

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Bruh :skull: this is what happens when I leave for a few days.

this had nothing to do with you leaving lmao