Old post- DNR! DNR!


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You target me in your bio twice, (Edit, only once now*) adding things about ego and how I did all these things I didn’t do. So I’m going to stop now, and just say that maybe I was wrong, and maybe I wasn’t. Maybe we bother we’re right in some way or another. So anyway, I’m sorry for insulting you about how you were a Dark Quesar and wrong. Bye.


Really sounds like you are being ironic by saying I targeted you while you target me, and you also seem to be holding a grudge ( sink as low as them really sounds like you’re trying to demean me… sigh. I”m still sorry, and I’m also sorry about the picture, but I felt like I had to point it out.

(Post Script: It might be a little immature to name the post “incompetence.”)

See but like you do just do random stuff like accuse people with no actual basis so even though this argument has gotten too intense you’re in the wrong here.

I think it’s probably a good idea for everyone to chill, but also work on not accusing people for no reason.


ive got something against you too…

light mode

but yeah seriously, if inky was able to get off this post, its def possible


this isn’t how ironic is used :skull:


those didn’t insult me lmao, it was just annoying cause you kept going at it.
whatever these things don’t matter much
just don’t complain so much about the state of the forums and actually act instead of yap

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light mode is the ultimate unforgivable

How is it so unforgivable? (Science actually tells us that light mode would be better for our brains)

well they did just get banned

It’s a joke lol.

And @dynachamp, getting banned just now doesn’t mean it’s ban evasion.

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y’all quit fighting there’s no point. unit and fluffy will continue arguing.
fluffy you said you were gonna stop, so stop

what wgat
lmao WGAT

that’s crazy

jeez I stopped, you’re the only one who is still worked up about it :skull:
also unit we were joking lmao

erm actually it hurts your eyes

lemme do some research real quick



both have pros and cons
I prefer dark though I usually work and draw at night so that fits

(for some reason I can’t post the word “pros” :skull:

just dont have complete black (#000000) and its good

thats why i use dark grey (gray?)

dracula better

I use dark greay as well


think i’ll use græy


Well, bye!

What happened to 《✧𝑪𝒓𝒂𝒇𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒏✧》?

[quietly switches to dark mode]

  1. Although can we agree that solarized dark doesn’t deserve to be called dark mode? ↩︎