Okay this would be a fun idea

What do i do because i keep find rnadom maps in platform mode and they say like platformer summit 1/7 but theri is only one summit big fat lie

Um… What do you need help with?


What’s the title for? And I know you have been asking about reporting, so just don’t do anything. Probably a wip. It’s not like they’re breaking the law.


also inapropiate map watch for top down maps is in affect until janurary 26th 2025 or until user account is terminated platformer watch for inaproipaite maps in is in affect until from june 26th to july 2025 or until user account is terminated

do you need help building a map or fixing something can you please drop the creative discovery problems just report it silently we don’t need to know

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What is the issue though?

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? So many things wrong with that. I don’t know what you’re talking bout. (Work on grammar pls. Can’t understand, @Georgeholmes1)

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wiat you don’t like warnings then you guys then will come across really nasty maps that make you horque

That is not what the forums are for though.

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this place is for getting help to build maps or fix a problem “in your map”. let gimkit deal with the problem and people will report. also theres no problem with an unfinished map i love them.

no we don’t just report it please


The forums are used for guides, issues, and bug notices. While this could help people, it is not useful or needed on the forums.


well i’m giving warnings not to be mean or annoying but the map this person made made me throw up my breakfast and it’s so inapropiate i rpoerted it they took kit down i don’t know if the’re amking a new one

okay mark a solution and drop it please we don’t need to hear anymore


This is not what the forums are for, @Georgeholmes1…

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yes well ohter poeple do it all the time asking for thumbnails help

Just mark a post as a solution and be done with it. In the future, try to post things that the forums are meant for.
Read the FAQ and other information for the forums to post things that are meant for the forums in the future.


This is different. We don’t talk bout published games you report it privately we don’t need to know bout every move you make now drop it pls.


this is diffrent there asking for a thumbnail to help with THEIR MAP. that isn’t your map and it isn’t your problem on whats built unless it violates a rule if it does report and done now its no longer a problem no need for a mention

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