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well they might hit the editing cap limit and also a canva is a more efficient way of doing things because 1. You can add as much as you need 2. No editing cap 3. It’s nice and easier for thumbnails to be made.

for us to be able to use it properly we need to see it in edit mode
people would ruin it

I have and I will I have a hole bunch of links to the forum users guides and in fact I have also went a step extra to ask some of the people

2 examples I’ve asked already joe the chicken and gimsolver

you told gimsolver that you asked gimsolver
@boom please delete before you get flagged

You said you didn’t care so meaning you don’t mind if I do or not
nvm that was wingwave who said that well I guess I’m asking now

Ok well I didn’t know also them am I allowed to you use your guides the every image in gimkit 1.0 and 2.0?

Sirath! With a sword! Fighting a black 3 headed dragon gim!

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