[Off-Topic - Topic ID 58911] Don't reply

Okay I Was Building A Map When I Saw
Screenshot 2024-06-01 6.01.41 PM
Zoom In And You’ll See A G In The Fence Top. Another Gimkit Easter Egg?


off-topic but

I don’t think that’s a G. Maybe it is, but most likely those are normal wooden spirals.


Nah, thats just normal wooded spirals


oh yeah that is probably it

You pay a lot of attention :astonished:
That’s really cool how you found that out!
Sadly, I don’t think this is some lore or Easter eggs, but nice insights and cool discovery :mag_right:
@eggnoodle, I’m well aware, I just think that it’s a cool discovery that I would never have found out.


This…is not related to the art category.

No, that’s not a gimkit easter egg. That’s normal.

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This isn’t an easter egg… rather just the design of the wooden fence.
@Darkbat489 mark a solution.

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Why is was this post marked as off-topic?, this is a very cool and on-topic discovery @Darkbat489 :smile:

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It’s off-topic because it has nothing to do to help with a GKC game or anything on the forums.

Building wooden stumps is 100% building.

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Ths isn’t building? This is just asking if this is an easter egg.

@DND_mewing, if I say “the grass terrain is green”! It’s off-topic, because it has nothing to do with building a GKC game.

Wooden stumps are in gimkit creative.

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Which is building.

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Stop replying to this topic and read a dictionary. Please stop arguing against this.

That’s a technicality. The forums are for tutorials, help, and bug reports (and thumbnails/art). This post does not fall under any of the above categories, therefore it is off-topic and not allowed. Don’t use little details to twist a fact your direction.

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Well,… at least it’s not inappropriate or something :slight_smile:

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That is the worst thing to back up your claim.

Building is building.

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Stop replying to this post. It doesn’t matter here.

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