Off-Topic Post [Don't Reply]

I corrected it, look at the edit cassius.

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I saw…

@TimeMechanic , mark a solution to close the topic.

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Okay yeah, but how could this possibly be off-topic? Cassius was literally telling how to do it in GKC.

Because you were suggesting about things and 2D game modes which is not the subject of the forum.

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Because the forum i forum GKC questions and help, not for suggestions on what you wish to be added. It says it in the guidelines.

Wait there’s guidelines? where can i read those so i stop getting flagged?

That is sad… the guidelines are a thing most users should look for when j0ining. Here is a link.

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Yh people should mention it in their “welcome to the forum” posts.

they do…

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We do, not all the time but most. That and post under beginner-must-read.

that’s for GKC beginners, basic forum stuff is in new-user-must-read .

Okay thanks. wow there’s even a badge for it how did I never see those?

How would I know? And @CassiusDoomlorde, @TimeMechanic should know some of the basics by now, so new-user-must-read is not needed and it is a unused tag replaced by beginner-must-read.

A post from new-user-must-read : What does each tag mean? - Community Made Guides - Gimkit Creative

It has 17 topics in it, and is not unused.

Can I not close this topic even though I created it? Or is that only for TL3s?

You have to wait 3 hours, then it will close.

Only mods can close the post.

The topic will close after 3 hours from the last reply. And cassius that tag is not used anymore, it has been but not right now. As the other regulars.

Yes, because we don’t need more forum posts. It is still used for searching and categorizing.

Sorry but I think this post is now called,
At this rate it’ll never close. Y’all quit arguing about tags.


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