Off-Topic Post [Don't Reply]

What if there was a shiny mechanic for Gims? Like, a 1/4096 chance that you Gim get a shiny skin, and not something you could buy but just a random chance that it happens for one game. What do you guys think?


Is this a suggestion? Put it here:

You can make something like this by activating a 1x damage modifier on game start.

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Oh I just meant like a suggestion for regular game modes, but how would the 1x damage modifier do anything?

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It makes the gim shimmer with an orange pulse.

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When you have the damage boost, you have a glow-y thing. It wouldn’t affect gameplay, just a cool skin.

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But you could make it do something, of course.


@TimeMechanic this is off-topic and is not for the Forum, please put your suggestion on the nolt site and mark a solution to prevent clutter.

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Bro, it’s not his topic…

[@TimeMechanic ]

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I corrected it, look at the edit cassius.

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I saw…

@TimeMechanic , mark a solution to close the topic.

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Okay yeah, but how could this possibly be off-topic? Cassius was literally telling how to do it in GKC.

Because you were suggesting about things and 2D game modes which is not the subject of the forum.

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Because the forum i forum GKC questions and help, not for suggestions on what you wish to be added. It says it in the guidelines.

Wait there’s guidelines? where can i read those so i stop getting flagged?

That is sad… the guidelines are a thing most users should look for when j0ining. Here is a link.

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Yh people should mention it in their “welcome to the forum” posts.

they do…

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We do, not all the time but most. That and post under beginner-must-read.

that’s for GKC beginners, basic forum stuff is in new-user-must-read .

Okay thanks. wow there’s even a badge for it how did I never see those?