Off-Topic [Dont Replyy]

Please I have no money and can’t get it because I don’t have a credit card and I have no friends since gimkit is apparently cringey IDK WHY!!!
This would mean EVERYTHING for me.
Thank You- Tristyn Klein

Stop doing this. What have I caused…

umm i dont think it is a good idea to make posts like this

Ask your parents for ticket- not us. Sorry.


OT. Ask somewhere else.

Okay sorry. :cry: gjkdsnfjajdn
(20 characters )

Just do this <> and type stuff in between. it has to be actual words though. It will not appear. try it. And also, sorry for causing this guys.

You didn’t do anything tho.

Type this. Make sure to put words in it, then it should dissapear when you post it.

@Caternaught change the title and move this to devices please.

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We are not your parents


ummm hey ghost @Ghost gimkit is not cringe, and you could just go mow a couple peoples lawns or try and get an allowence

I know its not cringe

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I’m sorry, but we don’t also have credit cards either. Please ask your parents instead.

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