Object Oriented Programming

We can make our own ascii.

That may be nescecary judging the limit of numbers we can use.

Oh ok. Then we just need to encode the data into a number form.

I would think 52-56characters, if you want to have capitals and maybe some punctuation.

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What about making a 52 number format for every letter? There are 52 letters so we can use every number as a letter from 1-52. (0 as a seperator if needed)

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What about capital/lowercase letters?

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Fixed my idea. 52 characters/numbers then. More can be added.

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01 A
02 B
03 C
04 D
05 E
06 F
07 Gimpossible

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The current method is actually fast enough for most purposes, it’s just not fast enough to do 5000 bitwise operations a second. (Since that is 160000 things being triggered every second.)

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If we are encoding the data in number form, then we should use 10, 11, 12, for abc.

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Why not 1, 2, 3?

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Do you think that would have adequate speed for this?

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It makes encoding easier if everything is the same length.

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It would be better to always have two digits.

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Yeah, probably

Oh ok. Then it would be 11-62.

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I think not using bitwise equations might be easier here

So we can use a bunch of properties, encode class data into json, encode the json into numbers, and dump the numbers in the properties?

Does blockly work that way?

What is that
oh blockly not blackly

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