Object Oriented Programming

I can’t even think about how to begin this…

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Model our data, @Blackhole927.
First… what’s the data we need to define again?

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Think about a TD game! we could have an enemy object, and a bunch of sentries waiting to be teleported.

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We need plans for:
memory allocation (probably easiest)
getting functions
recognizing classes
treating as objects

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How much memory are we going to use? How will the data be stored? Are we just using properties to store as much data as possible, or will we use properties in an organized manner?

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Okay. Let’s define our data.
I have no clue what @getrithekd is referencing specifically, so this is where we’re starting.

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What if we store the classes as json data with text operations?

Okay. Can someone explain what the HECK this is?


Probably more organized manner. Like using a property for each value. We could try and store ALL the numbers for ALL the objects in one number property, but I don’t really like that. The memory part is just with property. From now on, when I talk about memory allocation, it means how the system decides to use which property.

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oh, this is definitely… something!


keep thinking this means total drama, but anyway, i feel like the better approach is for us to explore more about gkc and put this on hold for a bit until more discoveries are found


Like sentries counting as players?

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No, like have a sentry object with health and position.

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What counts as an object?

It feels like the coder non-coder gap just exploded…

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yeah i would say and object is a prop.

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Well, an object is an example (kind of) of a class. Read the explanation somewhere up there.

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can you define that for us.

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Here is what object oriented programming is:
I’m currently working on making object oriented programming. This type of programming can make objects that are all of the same types but have different values for their characteristics.

We can have a building class that has a characteristic of height and one for number of rooms. Of, course, there can be more characteristics, but I’ll just have 2. So, we can have an apartment build with a height of 58 feet and has 100 rooms, and an office building, with a height of 100 feet and has 46 rooms.

Why am I doing this? This will allow for greater programming flexibility for games like chess and checkers. It could also help with animation.

copied and pasted

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Oh that makes sence, but what is it for, like i undersatnd it but i don’t get the purpose of it.

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Can’t you just use two differenet items and CPT?

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