Number of Players Required to Start Game

I’m trying to make a game that needs at least three players. However, I can’t find any settings that sets it so that you need at least ___ amount of players. Any guides or tips?

I would make a live player counter and if the number is under three contact an end game device immediately

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I’ll try that thanks

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And it doesn’t even need to be a live player counter, just one that counts all the players at the start of the game


have the players spawn in a lobby room. Get a button connected to a another counter, with a target value of 3, [button pressed → increment counter] and when it reaches target value the players teleport (relay all players and teleport device)


Here’s the easiest option

A relay on game start to a counter

So life cycle, game start, goes to a relay. Relay counts everybody and it goes to a counter. If it reaches it’s target of three, continue your game actions.

Hopefully this helps!

(Oopsy, that’s what you said Kosm0-o, my bad…)


if the it doesn’t reach 3 players then send them to a room that has rick astly with moving arms…