Working on making it so when you fall, you do not lose energy. This topic is mostly so @recalledMemories and @WSG (possibly @Toothless as well?) and I can work on making a guide for it, so if a leader could move our replies from the linked topic over here that’d be great.
I see no point in keeping this in Help because it’s just a collaborative guide, but it’s fine, obviously I’m not going to mark a solution. Also anyone can help, this isn’t an exclusive thing, it’s just some laid-back research without the pressure of the tag lol.
I’m going to make this a wiki so everyone can add their ideas and then later aspects of the guide/mini guide.
So uh yeah running out of things to say haha.
What we know so far
You can change the energy drain interval in the device settings
Placing item granters that grant at the same interval as the movement meter would work.
Making the players energy stored into a property and make it reset to that when they respawn from falling would work.
Creating Systems That Would Solve This (Images)
What I have so far: I’m trying to make it so that if the player is falling for too long it sends a channel to the trigger and the trigger loops until the player is not falling. The loop would replenish the energy. Leaving for a bit, continue this without me-WSG. I believe the devices I set-up could work for this system.
First order of business I guess is to figure out how we should identify if a person is falling. Obviously we will need the y-coordinate for this, but how will we distinguish this from other jumps where you go down?
We could do a thing where if only the y-coordinate changes going down and not x, we could assume it’s falling? When you jump you move forward anyways so this could be a good start.
A length of time thing. I think you can just set it to longer then the longest down jump, or be extra fancy and set it to different amounts each zone of jumps so it’s always proportional.
So if the longest jump in one map is down 8 meters, the thing will wait to be 8 meters or more. But if it’s inconsistent throughout sections, which it could be, then you can change the system by the player entering a zone.
Also I have to go, just a heads-up, but obviously continue on without me.
Oh and I’ll make the first post a wiki. I always forget ._.
So we need to make an item granters that replenish at the same rate as the movement meter and check if the falling time is more than the longest drop down.
yeah but it makes sense from a coding perspective why that happens though
Not really, couldn’t you just make a player-falling detection system and when they start falling, store their current amount of energy in a property and then when the player respawns, create a block that’s:
grant player item
(special amount): get property "current energy" - get property "before fall energy"
In actual DLD[1]. When you fall, you still lose energy. This is most likely because when they originally coded the Movement Meter in top-down, it just tracked when a player was moving and then removed the items. However when they added Platformer, the problem with this system was it counted falling as movement still
So what you guys are trying to do is get rid of this, since falling shouldn’t count as losing energy, for the player could stay still and be in one place while falling.
Yeah you presumably could do something like that, if the amount of energy lost is consistent across the map (I cannot imagine why it wouldn’t be, but platformers these days), so as soon as- using something similar to this system, probably- you started falling it would replenish your energy so there was no negative change or maybe temporarily freeze it somehow… either way works. Anyways, when you hit the ground (because you can hit another level and not respawn, so ending the system just on respawn wouldn’t work) it starts regularly again.
To fix this you want to check if the player is falling and repeatedly give the player energy when they are falling to prevent the energy loss. Creates a guide right when Turtle starts making one
Yeah, I do wonder how fast it’d have to be. Wait, in the energy meter device (whatever it’s called) can you set the interval? Is it like seconds or… meters or whatnot?
I’m going to make a help topic so we can all work on this and so this guide stays on topic. Sound good @recalledMemories and @WSG?
And also then a leader can move these posts over there (@Slim).
Yeah, usually something like 2 energy lost per sec. you could identify when falling and update a counter and multiply the value by 2 and add that energy back.