Nightmare room: help

I noticed people voted “something else”, put didn’t

You could make a cloud land. You can add some circle barriers and add a camera view so it cuts off the bottom to look like you are walking a cloud.
(yes i chose something else)

What is the nightmare part?

OH UH lemme think-
^was not prepared for this
What about you fall through the cloud whill you are walking, and you get teleported in a room/space with a bunch of spooky text and ketchup

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I would suggest make like a creppy room and you have like a car crash area cones off and grave emojis and tinted moss under a car

Okay, all these ideas are small. Does anyone have ideas on how to connect all these ideas

Make them like a dream where you fall forn a cloud happy dream to nightmereish



I think maybe you could do like two or three variants of the dream, that player choices decide on (maybe even game host is like the subconscious of all players)

Like use pop ups and call to actions to make the players/game host decide on what is in the dream…like one path is happy the other is scary and another is absolutely crazy and random……

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That’s wat i would do if i had unlimited time, memory, and knowledge about Gimkit creative.

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Sadly, that is not a description of me…

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I would, but I have a memory limit of 100,000

Ugh. That stinks.

I think you should be happy you aren’t creating on a phone or Apple Watch or something……

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Can you create on an Apple Watch?

I don’t think you can code on a watch

Back on topic

Ooops. Im really bad at the staying on topic thing…

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Oh sorry @gimmaster12345, I just undid my vote.

The game is a single-player game.

Any suggestions for outside areas for my nightmare?

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A deadly shore. With secrets washing up, what happened? A mysterious forest, with something watching you… just a suggestion.

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Umm running through a forest, but you can make it really dark with a no collision black barrier…and something is shooting you