Night Help Please

So I’m trying to make a city game where you can do stuff and get money. Theres a day and a night, and when it’s nighttime sentries come out, so you’re supposed to sleep when its night time, and that will turn it to day and get rid of the sentries. (kinda like MineCraft) I’m stuck on what to do, if I should make it turn to day only for the player who slept, or everyone in the game has to sleep to turn it to day. If I make it so only for the player who slept to turn to day, that will make everything messy, because for some players it will be day, and others night, so sentries will be available for only the players in their night, yeah its messy. If I make it so everyone has to sleep for it to turn to day, players could just troll other players and not sleep, or if someone wanted to kill the sentries but everyone slept, they wouldn’t be able to.
So yeah, I want help on what I should do. Hopefully that wasn’t too much to read, because it sure was a lot to write.

You could remove the sleeping function all together, but make night time easier to navigate.

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You cold make it that there is a part that it’s night and a part that it daytime and that you can make a zone and a barrier that like when a person enters the zone the barrier goes up and add a counter and stuff

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here is a good method
make it so only one player has to sleep
to change from day to night use a prop or barrier that turns on or off

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That was half of my idea! And why would you stay up the night. Don’t be like my best friend @shinyrowlet and stay up all night

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So sorry I didn’t see this earlier, I had to go somewhere. Thank you for the ideas, I think I will get rid of sleeping to have nighttime for everyone.

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