New Update: May 16th, 2024

I want the DLD music.

Who doesn’t :sob: :sob:

update on my birthday bruh… 2 days ago…

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Personally, if all they added was the back to school beat I would be happy.


Yes. We know. :partying_face: :tada: :birthday:


The back to school beat is so good.

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This probably won’t happen for licensing reasons. Gimkit doesn’t make its own music, the but buys the rights to use songs. Those rights may not cover other people using those songs in their maps, so they can’t really do this.


There’s a reason why the like button exists you know.
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Welcome to the forums! Read the TOS and FAQ! Be careful in these realms.

Wait, Gimkit doesn’t make music? I thought they made there own.

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Why remind me that Rundw02 still didn’t invite me to his realm…

You are now. It’s survival.

Nope. Although I don’t know where all the songs are, here’s a Spotify playlist with some of them:

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Ah, yes. Now I see. Kinda crazy since those music are iconic in Gimkit.

The closest you can get to DLD music is Hip-hop: Movement. It’s radically similar

Here’s the exact song. You can find it on YouTube and Spotify:


You said that Gimkit bought the music, right?

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They bought the rights to use that music in Don’t Look Down, yes.

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Hmm what about knockback music?

Did Gimkit make any music by themselves or is it all bought?