New Update: May 16th, 2024


if (triggering player team number) = (1)
add activity feed

<red> text </red>

else if (triggering player team number) = (2)
add activity feed

<green> text </green>

I don’t understand why this is a problem, if we are on topic then it doesn’t matter…

I see there are starting to be so many off-topic posts, so nvm

and on the topic of the topic:
why are people saying that they can check player health? I still haven’t figured out how
Is it possible? can someone explain pls…

I think FPS might never get added due to the amount of frames it could take, the work, and complains about the screen freezing, sorry…


Yo remember when I tried to make the coordinate device using sentries and stuff? That was goof.


Hey! It’s JoeTheChicken!

Indeed it is


So. Many. Emotions. Bump!

Stop. making. clutter.
And stop bumping posts

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1.Why would you bump a update post
2.Whats the point of bumping if this topic was and is already at the top :skull_and_crossbones:


This post kinda exists for clutter. Which Gimkit Awards and an Updates topic weren’t creating clutter in the replies.

Uuuum idek at this point im just happy.

That is not an excuse.

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Let it go, man :snowflake:.

Well umm okay… idrc but ok…

I’m using in a way so that every 30 times firing a gadget the player gets a power up.

bruh, this reminds me of when wolftech said updates were for chatting, then the mods came and gave everyone a warning, telling them not to chat.

Like I said, nothing to say on these types of posts.

nuh uh

I learned not to even try. :expressionless: If it is actually a problem then Josh will close the topic


ok update but still no moving trigger and public platformer mode cause I am not spending 5 bucks on kahoot x among us collab