New Update: March 15th, 2024

Great Update Josh! Keep up the good work!


Ummm, So I think this update broke Gimkit. I can’t load in anymore :sob:

same when I type in a code it says code doesn’t exist when it does :slightly_frowning_face:

lol, no I was saying that I’m new here and I see so much Cool ppl!!

oh i thought you called me an OG

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Thank you josh
(March 19 is my birthday super excited)


and yes I love it @Spydecraft245

to do this they would have to change how the entire map renders


Thanks for the overlay update!


Currently working on a space mining map in creative mode. I wonder what I will be able to accomplish with the tools at hand, before they drop the actual mining game mode.

So far what I’m working on is:
-map where you’re stranded on a tiny asteroid
-mining resources on the asteroid
-sell some type of thing you mine from the asteroid to a trader ship (or something)
-use money you get from mining to upgrade mining in some way or repair a ship
-escape the asteroid

I might use water as the thingy you mine from the asteroid just for accuracy since some asteroids contain water.

Hope it all works out for all of us space geeks.

Just thought I’d talk about it here because I’m excited for mining.


welcome to the forums, @Oliver_The_Pineapple


whats the new update?

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Let’s goooooo Yay yeah i saw that there was more than one overlay button when I looked at the bottom right of my screen and I was confused but this explains it all lol

go read at the top of the topic

I saw this earlier this morning in the changelog BTW. This is really exciting, though! :star_struck:


Finally this was fixed!

tysm josh!

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Thank you so much, Josh!

Also, Everyone:

  1. Don’t turn this into another reply/chatting center, unless you are just thanking Josh for the update
  2. Please don’t think I’m being rude. I’m just trying to stop everyone from getting flagged from off-topic-ness
  3. Please don’t turn this into a “Jeffo CLOSE THIS UP!!!” thing again. That just creates more clutter.
  4. Thanks!


The gods have spoken! (Josh) We finally got a nice small bug fix update. This will keep everyone hyped for DLD GKC soon!

Very cool!

It kinda got my hopes high then shattered, but oh well, who cares? An update is an update, especially since its a useful one. Atleast new content is coming very soon!


Aw man :slightly_frowning_face:, that way, if they want energy, they need to risk it and go to the home one, oh well.
Is this what Blackhole927 meant by “update that he wanted to spoil”?