New Update: January 12th, 2024

We saw it, there’s just not much to say…


The update I would want is a cheaper price on publishing like make it 500

Why? Making it higher increases the chance that someone buys the pass.

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that is just messed up though Dont you think?

No, that’s how they make money, and also how they ensure that less spam maps are published.


Yeah we all like the game and if we want to keep it running they need money :money_mouth_face:

its a bit stupid that your career level has to be leveled up 50+ times to puplish your game

It’s to stop dumb maps. (This is not a break from speaking like a medieval, I just don’t wanna get flagged)

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your right ill stop as well before i get flagged.

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The thing Im curious about is though is what do they use the money for?


To keep the game up and improve it.

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what even is the wiki thing that i keep hearing about?

but code doesnt cost money does it?

Keeping a site does. Hiring employees does. Almost everything costs money.


code itself cost money ;-; what?

it best we don’t talk about the issues and maybe it may not happened.

almost everything. coding can’t really give u money cuz if that was the case i already would bet the gimkit woulda already been the highest companys with the best employes by now and already reached past you know what i stopping here cuz i realizing this is too much off topic.

I said costs.

It really would
like being able to put stone on the gravel

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