New Update: August 30th, 2023

  • NEW: Solo Mode

    • When publishing your Creative maps, you can now allow people to play them solo!
    • This allows the person playing your map to start the game without having to enter as a second player on a new tab
    • Solo Mode is enabled by default on all new maps, but is disabled by default for existing maps.
    • You can change if Solo Mode is enabled or not in Map Options
  • NEW Device: Laser Beam Manager

    • A new group option is available for the Laser Beam
    • Use the Laser Beam Manager Device to target all laser beams of a certain group and activate/deactivate them at the same time!
  • Props

    • Added support for sending a message on a channel when a prop is destroyed
  • Checker Device

    • Fixed an issue where the Checker Device did not run checks on properties correctly
  • Editor Improvements

    • Property names now autocomplete for device options where you enter a property name
  • Tag Zone Device

    • Fixed an issue where this device would be visible in-game
  • Other Updates

    • In Map Options, a new Disable Knockouts From Activity Feed option is available if you want to hide knockout messages in-game.
  • Other Bug Fixes

    • Fixed an issue where players could open the leaderboard when Use Leaderboard is disabled

Cool old upd


Bro Finally more information. thanks Josh!

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This is really cool update with new designs


You do realize that this is over 7 and something months old right?

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That’s… Not nice.
BTW, I live in a house made of rocks (stones and stuff).


Even so, it’s still fine. You don’t have to somewhat rudely/harshly remind them. Plus, I agree with them. It is a pretty cool update with new designs, but just saying, not trying to cause another argument.

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Bro you missed for 4 months?