New Ideas Needed For My Game

Can anybody give me some Ideas on how my game should be.

what kind of game do you want?

A roleplay

a action type game, story type and survival type


Maybe make an Infested lab with crates to break and LORE :point_down:

if you want it story based, I recommend putting books and computers in the game that are like the One way out Interactive computers/papers


hmm I’ll think about that

Trick People Into Making Deals With You Simulator


Try your own version of OWO, combined with a survival game.
Name Suggestion: The Colosseum and the Temple
(Name explanation: you fight enemies in the Colosseum [like you do in OWO] and try to ascend to a higher plane of existence through the Temple, once enough battles are won)

hmmm? WHat does that mean

It’s self explanatory…
You trick people to make deals that makes you more money, and then get education to get more genius points, and then trick more people with the genius points you have.

where do I do that? I have honestly no Idea heh