New Blast Balls for Creative

Considering the new Blast Balls have been added to creative, does anyone have any map ideas?


maybe a soccer game or it could be used for game modes for don’t touch the button games and even a game wher you have to collect the most balls

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good idea :D! i might do that

Maybe do a sort of game where you have to guide the ball through mazes to win

i was thinking about that! good idea aswell :)!

Reminds me of a game from epic minigames, where everyone has to try and push their ball to the end of the obstacle course before the other team.

but if your going to do that, make sure to crank up the gravity a ton, don’t want it to be too easy. Besides, its more fun if its harder to roll :slight_smile:

lol same! thats what gave me the idea in the first place! maybe a sisyphus map where all players have blasters and try to shoot the ball up while also balancing it

Yeah, and make sure to make it so the gravity and friction is at max so it rolls all they way down if it stops for maximum trolling :rofl:

one must imagine gimsyphus happy :joy:

The myth of Sisyphus and what it teaches about leadership

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im dying right now LOL

im also gonna make random generation for even more trolling

Fall Guys inspired game modes.

what about like a bomb tag? Not sure if that would be allowed to publish but it uses a ball that has a timer before eliminating the last player it touched.

Maybe a Death Ball or Blade Ball map that’s what I’m doing right now.

Wow, these are interesting ideas!!!