How do I make a variable negative in coding. I need to make this negative I was thinking of subtracting it by itself twice but that doesn’t work
In your number, put - sign like -15, instead of minus 15.
well I want to do that but the variable is determined by a property
the cash amount is the variable that I made, its only used in this coding but would this work?
the properties are in green
Use math blocks to set a different variable to (multiply property by two), then set the older variable to (property - variable 2)
Ahh, the McDonald’s worker who receives a lot of likes but doesn’t give that many knows how to do it!
Off-topic and a bit mean.
People can use their likes however they want here.
I don’t mind at all and I just want to show you all I’ve done with your answers to all my questions!
This game is basically going to be 4 islands surviving on what they have and advancing in there own ways then fighing eachother (basically bedwars but to get materials you have to do work)
Sorry, but I never said it was a bad thing.
It just shows that NavyCatZ doesn’t farm for like badges and if you receive one, you know it’s meaningful.
Sounds rly interesting! Btw, in the future when you need to do something like this just multiply the variable by -1 next time, I didn’t think of that and overcomplicated things lol
I updated my bio! Sorry, I forgot!
Oh sorry you didn’t over complicate anything you just helped. Thanks!
Instead of subtracting the number by 2 * itself , you could’ve done this for better optimization:
or this:
Wow I can’t believe you typed it all out in coding and I think it will be easier that way thanks!
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