Need thumbnail for my game

my wifi’s abt to disconnect

Here it is without any text:

Screenshot 2024-06-19 7.41.18 PM

Thanks @Beagles! I like it!

can some one tell me how to make thumbnails?

thanks i’ll see if i am good art it or not

May I try making a thumbnail?

ok i’ll try to make one but please don’t judge


That’s pretty good! Have you done thumbnails before?

only for my freinds but not for gimkit it uselly isn’t good

oh gosh

Keep working on it! my first one was
Screenshot 2024-06-17 6.10.36 PM
Today I made this
Screenshot 2024-06-19 7.41.18 PM
You WILL get better IF you work on it! Also, I wanna suggest using Kleiki. It is helpful. Kleki - Paint Tool


@Blackjack use constructive criticism!

IS NOT WHAT YOU SAY! It was beautiful, a beautiful try your 5-year-old drawings didn’t look good no one’s art always looks good. No, I’m not calling that amazing piece of art a 5-year-old drawing.

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thanks i will keep on trying see how that works out

Hey, welcome back to the forums, @Moyai!

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no I didn’t mean that, I was replying to the deadline. I didn’t realize it was thursday so I was flabberghasted

it’s fine, blackjack.

Ok, but it did seem like that. You need better timing!

lol, wrong place wrong time