Need improving on my thumbnail

I’m going to draw this. Give me a few.

Uh I think your gim got a haircut lol :sweat_smile:

Fix that and I think your thumbnail will be good!

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ok i will fix that then you said it is good…thank you!!! :smile: :smile:

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I changed the title to be… well… less rude

@NoNoWahoo TL3 high five lol

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TL3 High Five
For the thumbnail maybe add a border to the subtitles, it’s a little hard to see.

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I would try and use a more iconic gim.

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not bad maybe a little more and good other than that amazing for 1st and period

okay I’m stoping nercopost welcome to da forums @MapleSyrup

Are you an alt by any chance?

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Hi! Welcome to the forums!
This post was from a while ago, it’s probably resolved by now.
Don’t worry though, I’ve made that mistake before too.

No. I am not an alt.

Then why did you come to a very specific, would be gone art help topic from 2 months ago?

I just joined this today. it was right there. Good night.

I’m asking how did you even find this post???