Need ideas - The Forest

It would be a 1-3 player game, where you have a plot in the forest which you will be able to build on (see my tutorial on scuffed building) and you would need to break trees to get wood and it would be able to be upgraded and you can venture off into the forest to find structures (temples, towns, prisons) whilst the farther from your plot you get the more dangerous the enemies get, that is all I have for now but i need more ideas to make it more interesting. Please help :slight_smile:

Welcome back to the forums, @MrDiscoWhale1

I suggest adding safe spots, like an oasis, which don’t have any enemies.

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A bill Cipher statue

Thank you, I will keep this idea in mind, what do you think of the name ¨Too Far in - The Forest¨

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That’s a good name.

You could also make a tribute to deer girl anime :3

Don´t think i will be doing that lol.

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yeah that’s fine 3: