Need ideas on new game :))

you the gimkit wix padlet

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oh well good luck on your game. If u need help just let me know and ill help if i can

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do you have a padlet I don’t

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Here is the code sharing padlet:
GimKit Codes (
If you use it please put your name there.

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ok I posted code on there

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Would this help? It helped me on my topic (Thx a lot and credit to: jjnitzan)
Continuing the discussion from I'm really bored and I want map ideas:

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add a ghost that fools you and tricks you until then eventually it tries to oof you.

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well what ever you do please add swords and lightsabers, that can projectcrystals…
ideas to add too it
lightsabers that can be a sword and project crystals.
elemental powers from avatar
lightsabers that can project and use elemental powers.
hammers with powers, ancient, enchanted powers
and weapons that can pick up stuff and project a Frisbie like disk that does damage.
also, a weapon that can teleport and pause time and have a jump boost when you project its projectile towards the ground and give speed boost and can make you fly and does damage.
:neutral_face: :neutral_face: :neutral_face: :neutral_face: :neutral_face: :neutral_face: :neutral_face: :neutral_face: :neutral_face: :neutral_face: :neutral_face: :neutral_face: :neutral_face: :neutral_face: :neutral_face: :neutral_face: :neutral_face: :brain: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: please like. me brained stormed :brain: :tornado: :cloud_with_lightning: :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain: :tornado:



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P.S. maybe one of the bosses i created will give you ideas

cool boss but there won’t be any bosses in the game it like a survive the hunter game @Sus_the_Hamster you there

Yeah, I’m here, but I have school to do right now. I should be done in about an hour.

ok tell me when your done

Alright. I’ll ping you.

any ideas for what else I should have a the center of this room

@GrimReaper7 @gimcraz100PeRcEnT @Crimson_Knight
got any ideas
code no longer valid

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Maybe some knocked over props…

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̶S̶a̶d̶l̶y̶ , You can’t add blood.

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I’m free now @jelloboss

now I’m in class so I will have to do this tomarow morning