Need Ideas for DPTB(Don't Press the Button)

Maybe I should just make them appear on the ground and put invisible buttons or zones… Probably zones are better though.

That would require like a huge amount of skills and wire repeaters and yeah…

hmmm you’re right about that

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another idea I have is when you give everybody guns and make it every gim for themself until a certain amount of people die

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yeah much simpler lol

magenta and pika pokemon’s eyes only

@Magenta_Dragon @Pika_Pokemon

1: dod padlet password: “a password”

2: no, making a padlet account does not cost money unless you buy a subscription (if there is one)


If you press the button one random person becomes an all-powerful gim and recks havoc

A goat. there should be a goat that spawns.

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slower speed?

I just had a really good idea! I’m making flying bombs form out of the sky… The process is interesting, but I finally get to use circle zones!
Screenshot 2023-12-18 9.26.23 PM

Btwm my name’s not Sakuya


1 person gets an op weapon for a short amount of time.

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maybe interconnect the goat with a later event, like a ritual or aliens!!


I did that one, but instead of just an op weapon, I also gave them a x10 damage boost

I should make a notification where the goat says, “It’s coming…”

And then all players are transported to a cursed dimension with a different button…

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Good idea… the button should do something evil…:smiling_imp:Any Ideas?

Gtg, I’ll look back at this tomorrow

Start a repeater for gimkit ads!

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When the button is pressed in the cursed dimension, we should make notifications that are evil and cruel, such as “Your map has been deleted(JK)!”


Or they should be teleported into a room with sentries but the sentries shoot superslow and they have bad accuracy :smiling_imp:…To make the process long.


teleporters that teleport the player randomly all over the map before finally teleporting them into a laser that instakills


good idea, also that would be kinda mean tho


who’s this :D

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