Need help with updates to my map

same ill have to in about 8 mins

HELLO i can talk to you at 4:10

4:10 what time zone im CT its 2:04 right now

i am back guys but lets start

k i got the dock left

ok go to padlet so you get the code

do you mind if I get in? its ok if you say no.

sure if you help us upgrade the smp

did the code change? the code from the pallet is incorrect.

go check again it’s the firts one

yeah I see it but game not found.

nvm im stupid.

holy cow this is amazing and huge! maybe an airport where you can teleport all around the map? im not sure all of this is super cool.

it all is but how about a train instead

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I got kicked out? did you close the tab?

im not the leader they are probaly transtioning classes

oh I did not know he was still in school.

i don’t know if he is because im still in school

oh… im in high school so i got off at 1PM EST.

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3:35pm CST is when ill get out

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