Need help with map decorations!

I am starting to make a Blastball style map and am using barriers and text to make adds like the ones in Blastball. Any ideas for what they should advertise?

-Chef Dementor


You should advertise an upcoming concert. Maybe an ink brand. Cough


advetise the selling of a boat or how about fruit

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Or an ink brand! Cough Reference to my former persona
More replies coming in. Be ready.

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you could advertise a cereal box, or some type of food.

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another one can be adverstiing to j0in team vortex (you know gimkit lore in a game is great)


OK, thanks, I added some of your ideas. I put ads for an ink and paper company, a candy store, a laptop, a boat, team Vortex, and water bottles branded with Kitcelona and Gimchester United.

-Chef Dementor

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Good luck with your map!

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Try our brand-new game mode! DEATH BALL! It’s a 5v5 death match against 2 teams! Whoever has the ball last, loses. is this a good idea?


Yeah! That seems like it should be a new game mode! good job.

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hello, do you know how to interact with the mods?

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hello @WhiteGod there are mods but you have to email them we technically have people who act as mods like @WolfTechnology or @Gimkit101


Why me? Out of anyone, why me?


A couple of ideas!

Kitcelona and Gimchester United Ad’s

Hydration and energy drink brands

Athlethic sports gear and equipment

And make it so they rotate every so often.

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You can message the mods here or you can email them at or


@Lostsea3, how do I act like a mod? I’ll consider that a compliment, though - I’ve made it my goal to improve the forums and bring about a new Era of peace I can mention in my game.

Maybe they see you around a lot, so they think you are a mod

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Add Bombs For Safety

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Nice new pfp! I’ll take that as a compliment. If someone sees me as an unofffical mod, I might as well start trying to help improve the forum. What do u think of my idea below?

Genius Idea

Should I assemble the most active people and the heads of the most prominant organizations into one group to try to get people to pledge to help fix up the forum and bring about the Diamond Era that I could include in my game?

Also, did u give up on ORA b/c of the war with WON?


Nice Idea You Got There

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