Need Help With a game based on star wars!

I Am making a game based on star wars a new hope and i need help with things for Tatooine -

  1. ideas
  2. how should i make the great pit of carkoon (sarlacc pit)
  3. side mission ideas
  4. how to make a jawa place…
  5. other?

Please Help I Need Ideas!

wouldn’t put a title, would just put a thing saying it’s a game based on star wars a new hope.

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You have to fight through the Storm troopers just like in the movie, you have to save the princess.

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Can someone help!!!

you can put a bunch of sentries for fighting the storm troopers

you can also make teams to swap the sentry to your team to make them friendly

do you have any side mission ideas for Tatooine @it_me.

its ok if you don’t but i really need ideas.

you can use npc’s and dialogue to make side missions I don’t have an idea for tatooine though

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i mean like what would the side missions be, jabba’s palace… jawas… ect

it could be a mission to save an NPC and they would give the player an item (jabba’s prisoner)

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oh also i have the season ticket so i can use the character device… dialogue ect

i like this idea

good! then I recommend using it to its fullest

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any more questions? greanpie

also if you are having any trouble I recommend using this -= Everything You Need To Know About Creative (Part 1) =-

oh sorry i did not respond. @it_me

i was working on making the map

i made something for this.


did you see this?

yes, what gim should i use for jabba the hut? :smile: @it_me do you have any ideas?

pod races

make a track and increase the players speed by a lot and then have a time they have to beat and use a counter and repetears to keep track

that sounds cool but what gim should i use for jabba the hut? :smile: @baseballking7 do you have any ideas?

It might help if you figure out a way to contact one of the Gim kit creators of 2 Star Wars games that are greatly in depth with all the things you are asking about and more. They were pretty popular games staying on the trending charts for like 2 weeks.