Need help on K.O. manager

I need help to make it so when someone K.O.s someone that has something they get K.O.ed themselves and switched to a new team

use the knockout manager to detect a knockout to run a checker to check for said item, if you want it to be a one time use item pair it with an inventory manager

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yeah, do what he said

but how do I make it so then the person will get switched to a different team

for my special brain I need super helpful instructions so I can actually use my brain

Use a team switcher and make it triggered when they knockout somebody with the specific item.

can someone like send a image because I have tried that multipule times

k, I will try to explain it to you

thank you ive been struggling with this for days!

Life cycle when player Knonkouted >>>>>>team switcher

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but then how does it detect if the player that was nocked has something

item manager

This is a pretty simple tutorial here. First, add a knock out manager, and set target to player.
Screenshot 2024-10-16 9.20.36 AM

Next, add a team manager, put the team manager to whatever team you want it to be switched to

and just put a wire and connect them. Put it to “When target Knockedout, Switch to specific team.” It should say that when connected to the wire.

Hope this helped!

I have an idea so since the spectator team is a bit buggy (it will keep a players camera on the person they where spectating idk why its odd) BOT use a lifecycle put it to the setting

then get a team switcher and put at the setting

(pick from any team u wish other than spectators cuz buggy)
after this you can use channels but i use wire and put it at wires

Make sure the wire is going from lifecycle to the team switcher hop this helps and make sure to mare a solution!

you explained it better than me! :sweat_smile:


yeah i play gimkit alot and stuff like that so im here to help idk alot but still :slight_smile:
(edit) but stay on topic dont wanna get a ban


Glad i could help in this topic @C0nn0R hope your game turns out FUN!

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