Need help making it when a team is eliminated, the game ends

The idea is for it to count however many players j0in and then end it when a team is eliminated.

can you use blocks instead?

it’s been 23 hours what

just use this but team scoped

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like block code? I’m horrible at doing block code.

what if: knockout manager (player) → teleporter [wires: target knocked out → teleport here]. Since there are 2 games you can enter to through the lobby you don’t want to end game right?

What I did was make it to when you d1e, you switch to a different team, but still brought back to the lobby, because you have to be on the “eliminated” team to be able to step on the trigger and decrement the counter.

That. Also wouldn’t work. when team is switched it respawns you as well. Since the spawn pads are for specific teams the player who is on the eliminated will get spawned in the middle of the map. you need to have a eliminated team spawn pad for the bases as well. And you need 2 different eliminate teams. this is more complicated then the blocks bro.

I have two spawn pads for the eliminated teams in the lobby but I don’t know how to do block code :sob:

Wait, are you still using the 2 games in the lobby?

Yeah but I don’t know if I should let them play different games at a time, or if they would want to, because it’s kind of pointless playing battle royale with 2 people and not everyone who’s in the game.

well then when I next reply to this you will need to choose…

Ok, you can play one game at a time. Also sorry this is taking so long to figure out.

what if there is more then 4 players? or less?

is theres less then it would be impossible for them to not all play the same gamemode. If theres more, idk yet.

I gtg. get back to u later

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How do you even track players joining??

put trigger on spawn plus counter

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put a trigger under a spawn pad connected to a counter.

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How to end the game when all players are eliminated (no block code)
@Kosm0-o I think I got it for real this time lol

Devices you need

Step 1
Place down your zone. Then, place down two or more spawn pads (how ever many teams there are) and set them to team 1, team 2, etc. place two triggers down. Set them to only be able to be triggered by team 1 or team 2.

Step 2
Wire the zone to the triggers like this:

make sure to do that for every trigger. Then, place down how every many counters there are teams. Wire one trigger to each counter. You might want to label the counters by which team they’re counting because it’s about to get really complicated. Make sure you set the starting number on the counters to 0 and the target numbers at 0 to.

Step 3
Place down your lifecycles. (one for each team.) Set it to player knocked out. Now get 2 more triggers, that can only be triggered by team 1 or team 2. Wire one lifecycle to each trigger like this:

Step 4
Place down one more spawn pad for each team (example: two teams=two original spawn pads + the two additional spawn pads.) Set the teams on the spawn pads to any team you want that’s not being used. That means you can’t select team 1 or team 2. I suggest just using team 15 or 14 to make sure your not already using that team. Now, place down two team switches that switch you to the new teams. Wire the triggers that are wired to the lifecycle to the team switchers.

Step 5
Place down a new zone. You could put it on top of the other one but they cant be active at the same time, the original one would have to be active first, count all the players, deactivate, then the new one activates. I’m going to tell you how to do it without the zones overlapping. Place down two triggers that can only be triggered by the new teams (14, 15) Wire the zone to the triggers the same as in step 2. Then, wire those triggers to the counters from step 2.

Step 6
Place down an end game device. Wire it to the counters from step 2. That’s it! You have a working automatic team counter and game ender! I might have explained it a little wrong and if I did please tell me and I’ll fix it!

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ummm. woW! but were you trying to make a guide on this? if so just copy and paste! you’re good at this compared to last week! you just took my system and edited it and now it should work! CONGRATS :vulcan_salute: !!!

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