Need help making it so when all players on team 1 dies the game ends

I am currently working on a murder mystery style game and i need it so if the team 1(Innocent) all die by the killer the game will end or the other way around so when the sherif kills the killer the game will also end. Im notr the best btw so easy guides would be usful

Hi! So first we’re gonna make a zone for where the players start, and when player enters zone---- repeat wire pulse (with repeater)
Block the wire pulse if it’s not from team (number here)
Add a wire from the wire repeater linking back to the zone with a 0.1 second delay that deactivates the zone.
Make the wire repeater increment a counter (that starts at 1 (the extra for the sheriff))
When counter reaches target (0), end game!

sooo ummmm my map is too big to fitin one zone so what do i do?

If that works, make sure to mark it as a solution!

You only need to put the zone where the players start.

ok thank you (Stupid 20 character limit)

  1. If you want to account for players leaving and joining late, you can use this guide as well
    How to make a LIVE player counter 🟨.
  2. You can put letters in these brackets <> to hide the letters. No numbers, special characters, or spaces in the beginning though.

So im sorry but i really dont understand what you mean by “and when player enters zone---- repeat wire pulse (with repeater)
Block the wire pulse if it’s not from team (number here)
Add a wire from the wire repeater linking back to the zone with a 0.1 second delay that deactivates the zone.
Make the wire repeater increment a counter (that starts at 1 (the extra for the sheriff))
When counter reaches target (0), end game!”
im new to gimkit so maybe if yiou could dumb it down that would be amazing

Sorry, so we’ll need a wire repeater, a counter, a zone where the players spawn, and an end game device.

  1. We use wires like so:
    a. Player enters zone ------------- wire repeater
  2. Configure the wire repeater so that it blocks pulses that are not from team 1
  3. Add a 0.1-second delay on the wire repeater
  4. Connect the wire repeater to the zone & counter using wires:
    a. (repeat wire pulse) ------------- Deactivate zone
    b. (repeat wire pulse) ------------- Increment counter
  5. Set the counter device settings as follows:
    a. staring value: 1
    b. target value: 0
  6. Configure counter-end game wires as follows:
    a. target reached---------- end game

And you’re done! Tell me if you need help.

i didnt work i have all of it set up but still doesnt end the game

Oh! I forgot to add the killing machine.
Using knockout manager to a wire repeater, make a wire that looks like
Player knocked out-------repeat pulse
The settings of the wire repeater should allow only team 1 pulses to pass
Next, wire repeater to counter:
Repeated pulse-------- decrement counter.
There! It should work.
(my bad, I forgot about this part)

Still didnt work :frowning: idk what i did wrong

Is team 1 the innocent players?
What team is the sheriff on?

the sherrif is also team 1

Alright, I would make him team 3.

What do i set the second COunter too? (EDITED) Like the starting value?
so its not working but im only testing with one killer and one innocent

Oh… do sheriffs count as players still?

Alright, change of plans…
When the target value of the counter (0) is reached, increment a second counter whose target value is two. Once that counter reaches 2, end the game.

And start the first counter at 0 instead of 1.
Set the starting value for the second counter to 0.

Wouldn’t this just work?