Need help for a thumbnail

(OFF-TOPIC) who wants me to make them there own profile picture like this one
Screenshot 2024-03-18 11.38.45 AM

this is off-topic, please ask this on the wix or padlet.

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me but i will change the gim collor

ok tell me all what u want on it

Please Stay On Topic @M13TheCreator and @Spydecraft245


go on the doc @Spydecraft245

ok sure give me a sec

my email is up there in near post 104

its me I already added u

send me the link plz

I already invited u to the doc we were talking earlier

oh my bad sorry messed up

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me, but pls delete this post

ok back on topic (sry guys)

ok what u want the gim to look like??

uhh… kynami or fair play pls.
A custom kynami with hat is cool too, like blen them together ig.

do you have kynami?? so u can paste it here?

yes i can if you want.

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ok no more replying after 3 hours

Here @M13TheCreator

You need to remove the bachground though.

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