Need help deciding something

OWO is literally like an emoticon
It would be confused if it was an abbreviation

You can, that is what it is known as and has been called for a long time. It is not a rule and josh, the fandom, and discord call it that.

What if they meant Super Saiyan, @WolfTechnology

First of all, SS and gimkit make sense, and if they were just ask them what it means, you can’t tell someone not to do something when thay can do it.

I’ve just never heard it called SS
sorry I guess

its fine, i know it because i was part of the 10 fandom members that first solved the lore and beat the ss game.

Maybe it can be a helicopter you need to repair, and every wave you can go outside and collect resources, then after, you need to defend another wave of enemies. Hey, that’s an actual good idea for me. Maybe I should do that! Only problem is that the max amount of enemies you could have is 100, cause sentries.

Sorry for taking so long to reply, you will need a counter, a button (or vending machine), and a repeater

connect the button to the repeater so that when pressed, you 1. start repeater, 2. send on a channel to deactivate the device pressed

then set the counter to have a target of whatever you want, and connect the repeater to it so that when repeated, count up

finally transmit on channel when the target hit so that 3 things happen 1. you stop the repeater, 2. you reset the counter, and 3. reactivate the button

I feel like I once explained why you never, ever abbreviate anything as SS.

Here’s a more recent post from me about this on the wixsite.


Don’t call it SS because the abbreviation has a really bad Nazi background.


Exactly. (You read my post on this! Yay!)

I already knew it. I just forgot until you said it was really bad for something.


owo is a reasonable abbreviation, if you don’t mind being out-of-context screenshotted.

SS means Schutzstaffel, a Nazi organization responsible for the murder of roughly 6 million people.

Personally, I say snowy instead.

And nobody in the discord calls it SS, because they aren’t Nazis.
(i think)


Message from Blackhole:

SS can mean so many things, it’s better not to use it. For example, screenshot is also often abbreviated as SS.


Ok then don’t its not up to me, but if you understand why I call it that, then you would understand, nobody seems to know anything before posting it, and how would i know its a nazi thing?

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We’re not being mad at you because you didn’t know. We’re mad at you because you continued to use it even when you were told about it.


can you all plz get back on topic


i continued to use it because i didn’t know. That is why, and on the fandom where i first found gimkit it was called that, so thats what i know, not some nazi thing.

Bruh people are talking about the nazis, if its a forum for GIMKIT, which has gamemodes that have MULTIPLE words in them, then how in the world would people be thinking about the NAZIS???

Try this.